Pretty Cure (shortened to Precure) is a magical girl franchise by Toei Animation that began in 2004. It centers around the Pretty Cure, a group of magical girls fighting evil forces. The series has gained a new season every year since it has begun and each season is completely standalone. (aside from "Pretty Cure Max Heart" and "Yes! Precure 5 Gogo").
I first watched Precure around 2015 when Go! Princess Precure was airing but didn't look into it until 2019. Ever since I've been a fan of the series. I have tried to watch every season as it has aired from 2020 onwards (with varying results) and have even bought some merchandise over the years.
If you want to start watching Precure, most people would recommend either starting with the newest one (in this case Wonderful Precure!), or with the one that appeals to you the most by it's themes or anything else really. For specific seasons, people will recommend Heartcatch or Go!Princess as these have the most acclaim in the fanbase. My own personal recommendation for first-timers is Go! Princess as it is my favorite season and I think it has really good pacing, story, and action.
I want this page to be a kind of "portal" to other pages about specific series but it isn't that right now. I will add more when I can. Have these Precure stamps I've made for my site in the mean time.